Contact Tracer Opportunities

We’d like to pass along the below volunteer opportunities and job opportunity to our members.

Volunteer  Opportunities 

Volunteers are needed to assist health departments with the Coronavirus response 

 The Fort Bend County Public Health Department, Houston Health Department (the City of Houston), and the Harris County Public Health Department need volunteers to assist with duties related to the COVID19 outbreak. These would be amazing learning and networking opportunities! These opportunities are coordinated through this survey

Before signing up, please keep in mind:  

  • You must have your own transportation arrangements to volunteer. We will attempt to organize carpools, but one will not always be available. 
  • Take into consideration your drive time  and  your shift when considering your time commitment. 
  • The times listed in the sign up link are to assess your availability, and are subject to change as the response to the outbreak and health department needs change. 
  • You will be contacted 24-48 hours prior to confirm volunteering slots that you have signed up for.  
  • Please only provide times that you are certain you can make.  
  • These opportunities will NOT include direct contact with confirmed, infected individuals.    

Fort Bend Health and Human Services: 

Number of Volunteers Needed: 3 students per shift 

Time Needed: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm 

Time Commitment: 4 hour shifts 

Location: 4520 Reading Rd, Rosenberg, TX 77471 

Volunteer Description: 

  • Need support to staff hotline for worried well as well as ill individuals and medical providers 
  • Conduct interviews and determination of testing eligibility 
  • Assist with backlogged epidemiological investigations, independent of COVID-19 
  • Conduct contact investigations of positive cases (i.e. airplane contacts and other contacts) 
  • Other duties possible 

Houston Health Department: 

Number of Volunteers Needed: 3 Students per Shift 

Time Shift: Monday- Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm, 12:00pm-4:00pm, and 4:00pm-7:00pm  

Time Commitment: 3-4 Hour Shifts 

Location: 8000 N Stadium Dr, Houston, TX 77054 and various other locations (WIC Offices)  

Volunteer Description: 

  • Need support to staff hotline for worried well as well as ill individuals and medical providers 
  • Students to assist with routine non-COVID investigations (must be available 10+ hours per week and experience in investigation preferred) 
  • Volunteers are also needed to help support understaffed WIC Offices which are adapting to serving clients remotely 

Harris County Public Health Department:  

Time Shift: Weekdays with Weekend availability required 

Time Commitment: 20-40 hours/week 

Location: 2223 W Loop S, Houston, TX 77027 

Volunteer Description: 

  • Description of Contact Tracing Volunteering is attached 
  • Call contacts of newly diagnosed patients. 
  • Communicate in a professional and empathetic manner toward distressed individuals. 
  • Collect and record information into the reporting system, CRP, as well as the surveillance and management system, MAVEN. 
  • Provide contacts with approved information about Harris County quarantine procedures, and if appropriate, refer them to testing according to protocol and/or to a COVID-19 Care Resource Coordinator for social resources. 
  • Interested volunteers who are not UTHealth students may also work with COVID-19 drive through testing sites. Responsibilities will include helping register patients as they enter, creating requisition forms for them to track their tests, and preparing materials for the next station where they will be swabbed. You will be provided with a surgical mask and will not be exposed to patients because they will keep their windows rolled up the entire time that you are interacting with them. 

Job Opportunity

For the job opportunity please check out the attached PDF that includes the Job description and other important information. More volunteer opportunities will be posted by the volunteer coordinator soon. Please be on the lookout. Continue to stay safe, and have a great summer!  



Praise Oderinde, Secretary Elect 

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